Animal Adaptations Logo
Online Tool
There are at least three ways to solve problems with Animal Crackers.

Follow the complete, 14-step Animal Crackers Natural Selection process. To do so, purchase the 44-page Animal Crackers Manual. It will lead you through the process and bring you back to the Online Tool at the appropriate point.

Buy the Animal Crackers Manual


Work with the Online Tool your own way. Click the link below, browse the Solution Territories, and click those that interest you in any way. Then take inspiration from the Animal Adaptations they present.

Animal Crackers Online Tool


Jump right in and use random Animal Adaptations below as inspiration for solving your problem. Consider the way the following animal has solved a problem:

How can you use this animal's adaptation to solve your problem?

to consider another Animal Adaptation.

© 2011-2021 Stephen R. Grossman and Peter Lloyd
